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The design looked great on the bonnet of a car on the dealer’s forecourt, so why not wrap it around the whole of the dealership’s premises? Bishops Stortford based Sign-Tific was there to help…

’Tis the season and thoughts everywhere turn to brining a seasonal theme to promotions and product PoS. While it’s not too difficult to get a supermarket or a shop selling clothes radiating a cheery Christmas message, getting the same vibe going when what you have to sell is sat on fours wheels, that’s a bit of a bigger job to bite off.

Sign-Tific is a very respected sign maker located in Bishops Stortford. If you’ve ever flown into, or out of, Stanstead Airport, way up there on the M11, chances are you’ve seen Sign-Tific from your seat by the ‘plane’s window. A local Audi dealer is on very good terms with Sign-Tific and regularly gets in touch when it needs banners, signs and other means of promoting itself.

On this occasion, the Sign-Tific team was contacted and engaged to produce some very big bows to festoon on the bonnets of some of the dealer’s forecourt cars. No problem with that - print - cut - apply and the job’s done. The job got a life of its own though when the customer came back and suggested that the whole dealership might look rather festive if it was buttoned up in the same design.

The Sign-Tific team then found itself printing metre upon metre of Metamark MD-RA in the form of big red ribbons to wrap around the whole building. In strategic places, even bigger bows button down the whole effect and it looks absolutely brilliant. Wayne Morris and the Sign-Tific team laminated the printed Metamark material with Metamark MD3’s matching laminate to protect the graphics despite the short term nature of the job.

Anyone with a sharp eye will have spotted the fact that the ribbon runs ‘behind’ Audi’s iconic rings and its sign. Anyone who has ever gone into battle with a squeegee will know how fiddly and difficult that would be. Thankfully, the application skills needed are right there at Sign-Tific and the Metamark MD-RA features a rather clever adhesive which doesn’t give trapped bubbles a chance and that’s both cleanly removable after short term use and cooperative during application.

There’s no doubt about it. This is the sort of job that mums point out to kids and that people stop and look at. It’s brilliantly MD-Class printed and it covers where it needs to - no matter how hard it was getting it there. It looks like the dealer’s celebrating and that’s the point. Come Christmas all businesses need a bit more ‘stand out.’ Thanks to some very talented people at Sign-Tific, there’s an Audi dealer not far away that has just that.

Seasons Greetings everyone. 



In Action
  1. PROGRESSIVE THINKING. COMMITTED ACTION. PROGRESSIVE THINKING. COMMITTED ACTION. Manchester based Sign Supplier Ltd. Engages its customers with fully recyclable hoarding graphics…